Swinging with a friend - Via Quora

Dear DV8
"'Hi my partner and I have just started talking with friend of ours about group sex together and I was hoping you might have some advice for first timers?"
W. Jones.
Dear W. Jones
His Take:
First off, if neither of you have had experience in the lifestyle you should definitely educate yourselves first. In any case take the time to talk about it first not just in a sexual way but how it might affect your friendships. You wouldn’t want jealousy to be a factor in your relationship. When we first entered the lifestyle, we found several of our close friends were in it as well. We hardly swing with any of them, though we enjoy many fun times with them and it’s definitely created a new bond with them. We often remind people that swinging isn’t just about sex, it’s sharing a common mindset that you can have a judgement free, open dialog.
Should you and your friend move forward with a sexual relationship you should communicate your expectations and boundaries. - Mr DV8
Her Take:
Thank you for a great question! One of the hardest hurdles to overcome when you’re curious about swinging, is bringing up the idea to your partner. You’ve already taken a great first step. I’ll respond as if this were a MFM experience. Keep communicating, as introducing it is just the beginning. Starting ‘close to home’ can be comfortable and an amazing introduction to the lifestyle in general. What better way to explore, than with a trusted friend. Know that there may be other issues that can arise after your sexy rendezvous. You may encounter issues of jealousy or awkwardness afterwards, so you will want to be prepared just in case. Start slow, and communicate. I think a great way to start would be a group conversation about boundaries, guidelines and scenarios. Let the encounter lead your pace. On a personal level, I love the idea of having a close friend in the mix; a go-to person to spice things up. Someone that you can share all aspects of your life with, in and out of the bedroom. - Ms DV8