Key Tips for Hosting Successful Swinger Lifestyle Parties
Hosting a playful lifestyle party can be challenging. We'll guide you through a successful swinger party with a structure that works!
Host a Meet & Mingle, not a Meet & Greet
When we began hosting lifestyle events in 2011, we had no idea how far this journey would take us.
What began as traditional Meet & Greets quickly revealed that our guests desired more from our events.
The logical next step was to introduce what swingers call 'play' as a natural progression from the traditional Meet & Greet.
The Meet & Mingle theme was created by adding an 'After Party' to follow the Meet & Greet portion of the events.
While this concept isn't new in lifestyle events, we developed a unique structure that emphasized the 'Mingle' aspect of lifestyle parties. Bringing a group of swingers together for a party is one thing; promoting play isn't as straightforward as it might seem.
Too Much Meet, Not Enough Mingle
Having hosted and attended countless lifestyle parties, many of them lingered too long to encourage any type of play scenarios.
"We once attended a party that went on for over 6 hours before the host attempted to steer his guests to participate in playing."
The glaring issue for us was that many of the guests had already surpassed their alcohol tolerance, and things got sloppy relatively quickly. The primary issue we observed was intoxicated and tired guests attempting to engage in play without any guidance or consent.
We didn't stick around for the outcome, but let's just say we heard stories of how it ended, and none were good. Sex at a swinger party is great, but when lines are crossed and memories are foggy, it's not a great experience for guests to reflect on.
The simple structure of hosting a successful swingers lifestyle party.
Something we've discovered, whether it's a house party or a professionally hosted event, is the importance of structure. While rules and structure may not be the most exciting aspects of a lifestyle event, we've found ways to make them an enjoyable part of getting together.
Timing is everything
While having guests hang out and drink endlessly for hours can be fun, aside from some frisky interactions, it really doesn't lead to a successful play party.
Every seasoned swinger will tell you, everyone hates when the 'play' starts at 1 a.m.
Our successful Meet & Mingle concept shows you how timing works for the party hosts to encourage playtime for their guests.
Every party begins with a social mixer, featuring hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and music. The challenge is that during the 'Meet' phase of a lifestyle party, attendees can become so engrossed in the moment that they lose track of time. Before long, the party starts to wind down for various reasons. Some guests may wish to avoid overindulging if they need to drive home, while others might have commitments at home, such as a sitter.
Why set a timeline?
A host should ensure that guests feel playing is optional rather than expected. To clarify, guests should never feel compelled to participate in 'play' at a party. Some may only want a sexy night out to dress up and go out for some flirty fun.
Setting a timeline for 'play' offers these guests an exit before things go beyond their comfort zone. It also reassures attendees that going out doesn't necessarily mean they have to participate in play. It's well-known in the lifestyle that certain times, like 'that' time of the month, and other reasons might make it less favorable to engage in play on a particular evening.
Scheduling a time for play removes the obligation of 'playtime' and promotes it for those who are ready.
Play Areas 'NOT' Hot Tubs
Let's face it, swingers love hot tubs! Hot tubs are a bad idea during a swinger party. We know what you're thinking, we're crazy, right? Hear us out.
Many hosts instinctively gravitate towards their awesome hot tub. The horny little devil on your shoulder is saying, "It'll get everyone naked fast." Not so fast, lil devil. Hot tubs may get a few of your guests all naked at once, but more often than not, they alienate the rest of your guests. They also have the ability to relax people to the point of not wanting to play much past some frisky touching and mild foreplay.
If you must, save the hot tub for after the play and a few stragglers at the end of the evening. It would be much better served to wind down the evening with a nightcap and some reminiscing.
Get ready for playtime
When the party moves to playtime, it's important to let guests know prior to the party what to expect, so they can pre-plan. Our trick is to set the time when street clothes are out and sexy is in.
Just before playtime, have your hosting partner escort guests to a changing area. Use this time to set up the designated play area. Have your guests change into something sexy or night clothes and boxers. It's a nice surprise when guests see what was once the social mixing area is all ready for the 'After Party' play.
Designating a Play Area
Instinctively, you might want to direct your guests to the nearest bedroom as you would on a date. But hosting a swinger party and having a play date are two completely different scenarios.
It's best to convert your main party area into the play area. There are tricks to quickly convert your party zone into the play zone. One trick is to change the lighting, put on some porn, and have an air mattress or two on standby with fitted sheets.
Having the play in your main room promotes inclusion for all the guests that wish to participate. It can also be sexy eye candy for the couples not yet ready to jump in with both feet. Too many parties end with a bunch of couples in a hallway trying to see what's going on in the bedroom. We're all voyeurs in a sense, so why not put on the best show?
Discover essential tips for hosting a lifestyle party, including etiquette, mood setting, and theme ideas, with our expert party guide.
Hosting a Successful Swinger Party with DV8 Dare Meet & Mingle Swinger Party Edition
Get the Game
Host successful swinger lifestyle parties with DV8 Dare Meet & Mingle Swinger Party Edition.
Meet & Mingle, the game, helps break the ice and takes your parties to the next level.
This progressively interactive game takes your swinger parties from a social icebreaker to sexy after-party foreplay and playtime.