Swinging past the water cooler

Dear DV8
"'I've thought about swinging and kind of attempted to get my wife to. But we never seriously considered it. She wants to swing, we thought it might be quite an experience. I guess we are worried we might run into people we work with."
Thinking about it in CT - Connecticut
Dear Thinking about it
This question has come up at every single panel we've ever participated in, and is one of the most popular concerns of couples curious about the lifestyle. When you attend swinger events in your area, chances are that you WILL eventually run into someone that you know. If this happens, keep something in mind; they are there too. This lifestyle has millions of members. Swingers are discrete and like their privacy as much as you like yours." - Mrs DV8
"This happens more then you may think, If she wants to swing then it's worth checking out. Being nervous and having second thoughts is common with any new experience. If you've gotten to the stage of wanting to do it, then it might be worth taking the extra step. Running into people you may know is not only a possibility but a given. In our experience it's always been a positive experience to see a familiar face. The most common misconception about the lifestyle is that it's all about sex. It's more a state of mind more then anything. Having friends that share the same mindset, make way for some pretty interesting discussions by the water cooler. - Mr DV8